Living Human Being on Road

She grew up being applauded by her family for always excelling in her studies, and she has never experienced failure in her life. She finally got to University, after studying so hard to matriculate and finally go relax at University as she has always heard and been told "University is the place to relax and do as you please" she was told. She was rather enjoying university in her first semester as she got there because she would come to class only when she feels like it. The CA mark time came and she was not worried to see how little her CA's were, as she qualified for her exams, unaware of the consequences. She was still hooked on having fun and watching movies day and night even after having failed her second year major module. She had no purpose, no goals to achieve as she thought she has reached her destination already having made it to university. 

She was not worried because she kept telling herself there are plenty of people who have made it in the corporate world without a degree none what so ever, like her favorite aunt who was her biggest role model and inspiration at the time. Unfortunately that was just the beginning to her trauma, her favorite aunt’s life was turned around when she lost her job and she had to watch her struggle at home unable to get a job because of lack of education/qualifications there-of. Reality came to hit her even harder when she found out she had failed her major module for the second time and she had to re-do it as she could not proceed to do her third year modules as many had the major module as a prerequisite, and she had to watch all her friends and mates all in third year while she remained behind, doing only two modules. She knew she had screwed up because she has to inform her parents and she knew it would disappoint them so much as they had so much confidence and high praise of her, being the first to go to university in the entire family, she knew what their expectations of her were. It was also the time she was going through a commotion in her life for the first time, being accused of having slept with her cousin, her uncle furious and disappointed in her for failing and thinking she’s nothing but a whore, sleeping with her own cousin in his home. Everyone in her family looked at her like a saint and all of a sudden that image was tarnished in the blink of an eye because of people being envious of their close relationship.

In shock and panic of going through the failure face for the first time in her life she could not handle it. Her self-confidence and esteem was crushed so hard. It was hard for her because she had no one to talk to as the one person she could tell all she was going through is the same person she was being accused of sleeping with so she didn’t want the problems to escalate at home, she thought distancing herself from him will make things better. But as time went by and the situation seem to only get worse as each day passes she realized that people only see and believe what they want to. She had to pull herself together and graduate to prove to herself that she can do it and mostly to make her parents proud once more as they had given up hope of her graduating after she had lied to them for three good years. That was the last time she ever cried in her life, she became closed off emotionally because she thought confiding in people only makes you weak and eventually they will turn against you the moment the situation goes south.

Her efforts and dedication started paying off as she was passing her assignments and tests because she had one purpose and one purpose only ‘to pass all her modules and graduate’. She never thought of what happens after graduation as she just assumed she will get a job immediately that will be paying her more than N$18 000 because she’s a graduate with an honors degree. Little did she know that the corporate world doesn’t work like that? She finally passed all her modules and congratulations were in order. She was so keen to work for a bank and be called a banker that the only opportunities she was looking for had to have bank at the end. Having never done any internship no company would take an inexperienced university graduate as she wasn’t even applying for internships herself, all she wanted was a permanent job. The pressure was starting to build up from home as everyone around her thought she was just not serious with job hunting, I mean ‘how hard is it to get a job with a degree’? So they thought. A year went by without a job as she was used to her comfort zone of lying down watching movies all day, all night and demand of what she wanted to eat with no drive and goals in life. She was used to being spoiled; she forgot she was no longer in university because she still looked up to her parents for taxi fare, food, cosmetics etc.

After having handed in so many application forms and still job less she lost all hope once more, until her old friend from Junior school approached her introducing her to new platform she had just founded which provides people with international opportunities “fellowships, internships and many other study programs” she regained her confidence and started applying for these international and internship, job opportunities. She finally got an internship in a certain company, satisfied easily and with no purpose she settled for the internship and became comfortable and passed on the opportunity to work for a bank because of hearsay's and fear when she was called. It’s easy to lose focus when you have no vision or goals to achieve. She started to panic when she realized the contract was coming to an end and she had stopped looking for other opportunities. Luckily, she teamed up with her colleagues and persuaded the company to extend their contract which they did. After the extension she still had no new offer although she kept trying. Her same cousin she was accused of being sexually involved with offered her an opportunity to work for him while she gets a better offer which provides her with good exposure to the corporate world, financial freedom and business startup.

She has now realized that, you can only achieve a goal if you set one. So, set a goal, work on achieving it and love yourself first, fall in love with who you’re creating, it’s the only way you can love others. Find a mentor so you get guidance when you feel lost, because we all experience it once in a while because being a great living human being is the ability to see the good in others and treat them as if their good is all you see.


  1. You can actually write Kido, u should consider taking it to another level.


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