The question many ask me is 'why Living Human Being'? aren't we all Human Beings? is it not too general?

The Answer is 'Yes, it is general, we are indeed all Living Human Beings'. that is the point i'm trying to get out into the world. Robin Sharma introduced the Living Human Being (LHB) concept in one of his book titled, "THE LEADER WHO HAD NO TITLE". He wrote that leadership and success are everyone's birthright and that nobody succeeds beyond his or her wildest expectations unless he or she begins with some wild expectations. 

How I understand this is that, we can all be Living Human Beings to greatness if we choose to. Life is all about making choices and decisions. Many of us feel superior, above others because of the titles we hold; be it in church, work, school, home or even in our community. 

What the LHB concept brings forth is that, we do not need titles and labels to live for greatness. One can embrace their greatness whole heartedly just as living human beings. You can choose to be great at what you do and prosper without titles. As it is; we already hold the highest title of being the CEO's of our own lives and that is the most important title of them all. Owning your life and fulfilling your heart desires is the greatest accomplishment. You may have a title-less job and feel as though it's of no importance and you take it for granted. You go to work in misery everyday of your life because you want what you do not have and waste your whole life winning and complaining about it to everybody you know but you are not doing anything to change your situation and sing the song many are singing "life is unfair". is it though? 

With the LHB concept, you can choose to embrace your job and make sure that you do it better than anybody else so that you being gone for just a day, everyone will notice. If you contain a positive attitude, a firm mind and let nothing change your positive perspective outlook on everything then you are set to win and be great. Try changing your routine once in a while, try new things 'they don't hurt', and be unpredictable. Change is inevitable, accept it, work with it and move on. Be great to a point that everybody notices without your intention of getting them to notice and when you are getting comfortable, improve in the areas you need improvement and find a way to perform superbly. "If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets as Michelangelo painted or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say", “Here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well". wrote DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. 

Alice Walker wrote that, the most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any. To be a great living human being, you have to know that pain, no matter how severe it feels, it is only temporary, quitting/giving up however, lasts for ever. Use the power you possess, it is within you just find ways to trigger it and learn how to handle it's awesomeness. We are all Living Human Beings yes, but we all possess different powers within us, being 'you" is your power, don't try too hard to be what you are not. If you realize you are trying too hard, then it is not you, doing you, for you should be easy and should most definitely make you happy. As living human beings, we owe it to ourselves to live great lives and not only to exist. We are all living human beings in general terms yes, but many are not living, they just exist. You have to live for a greater purpose if you want to live for greatness. 

Being a great living human being means you are impeccable, especially with your choice of words. You do not gossip, you do not complain, you do not condemn, and you never swear. You try your best to use words that will inspire, engage, and elevate another beings. Human Beings strengthen/attract what they speak about, say's the law of attraction. So if you spend a lot of time grumbling and complaining about all the stress and change that you are experiencing at work, in your personal life etc., you actually heighten the stress and change in your awareness. What you focus on grows. And where your words go, your energy flows. So speaking about something amplifies it within your perception because you’re giving your attention and energy to it. So be careful of what you think and speak of because words have power. What you think, you eventually say, what you say is ought to happen. So be a focused living human being to greatness. focus. focus. focus.... when you try to do many things at the same time you achieve nothing because your focus is misplaced. when you focus on one better thing, you put your all in it and you will definitely accomplish it. 

Challenges are inevitable to us as human beings...
I mean, we can never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in the world. And I really believe that obstacles just show up to measure how badly you want something. Setbacks are nothing more than tests to see if you are ready for the rewards that are available to you. know how to work along with other beings. you get the best out of others when you give the best of yourself. Part of being a living human being to greatness becomes unleashing the greatness in people who’ve never seen the greatness within themselves.



I wrote this piece in agreement to spread the extraordinary Lead Without a Title philosophy with as many other human beings as I possibly can. I wrote this article to codify its words and to offer you the same teachings that Robin Sharma offers in his book. I only request that you, in turn, tell as many people as possible about their powerful message. In so doing, you will do your part to inspire better teammates, build better organizations, and craft a better world. And you’ll arrive at your end knowing you played full out with the natural leadership power you were born with and lifted up so many lives in the process. So that the last day of your life will be the best day of your life. Anthropologist Margaret Mead once observed: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” 

Until the next piece my great readers.... 

Your Greatness,


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