Warm greetings of peace and love from LHB. I hope you all had a wonderful first month of 2019 and great new year celebrations.
I am writing this letter to you my reader, the you that had a rough 2018, the you that seem to be under January stress if nothing else, the you that feels worthless, the you that keeps questioning 'why has this happened to me, why is this happening to me'? The you that has been put down enough that you have actually started believing it, the you that has lost faith, the you that keeps comparing yourself, your achievements and your life with everyone else's. To you.
Well just look at it this way, beating yourself up/comparing yourself/allowing people's opinions to affect you doesn't move you farther ahead, it certainly does not improve your situation or help you find peace. on the contrary, it just feed your shame, your pain, fuels your feelings of inadequacy and ultimately, it keeps you stuck. You have to know that a path that's right for me won't necessarily be a path that's right for you. why? 'because we are both unique living human beings' and honey; that's okay, because it only makes your path different and not right or wrong. your life is not mean't to look like anyone else's because you are NOT like anyone else, and that is your power.
You have got to believe in yourself, 'you owe yourself that much'. mistakes are our life teachers so, make your mistakes and get the best lessons out of them. Don't just be afraid to make them. Make decisions for you before anyone else and don't let anyone tell you different. Learn to listen to your gut feeling because it is right always, just pay attention to it. Why something is happening to you should not concern you, rather, concern yourself with what it is teaching you! if you do not get the lesson, no worries! just move on, you will know eventually anyways.
You are a rare kind of light, believe it because it is true, if it were not you wouldn't exist. You make this world a little bit more wonder'full'. You have so much potential and so many things left to do. And most importantly, you have time, better things are coming your way, just hang in there. You can do it
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